Blog: Because I Said So!

Parenting Styles

10 Good Parenting Ways to Nurture Confident Kids


More than the academics and more than excelling in school plays, sports, and their dance recitals, I had a dream of raising and nurturing confident kids before I even planned to have any children. I always knew that children need a strong sense of self and an attitude that they are more than capable for them to become successful later on in their life. But, knowing this is only a healthy start to a long journey to cultivating a next generation that is self-assured and capable of persevering thro…

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How Our Parenting Style Creates Perfectionism in Our Children


Let’s face it. Our children face double standards daily. “Do as I say, not as I do” is the message we are giving them with most of our parenting styles. We want our kids to excel in school, sports, and activities yet we know that kids should be encouraged to relax and just be kids. As parents, we see perfect families on holiday cards, Facebook, and Instagram.

Whether we realize it or not, that can affect how we push our children to do well. Maybe even too well.

How can parents balance the desi…

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