Is Your Teen Coming Home From Treatment?

Are you worried your young adult is having a "Failure to Launch?"



You're stressed. Nervous. Will your teen make it? 

Do You Want A Way To Support Without Enabling?

Yes, more than anything you do.  

You've been there for your child through thick and thin. You saw their games, helped with homework, listened to them into the night when they struggled. 

You know you're not a perfect parent. Nobody is. You've done the best you could with what you had and what you knew. But you feel it's still not enough.

Whether your teen is in recovery, in school, or still in your home without much direction, you know it's important to provide the right support to help your teen transition to independence. 

You're here because if you've learned anything so far, it's that everyone needs help from time to time.

You don't have to do it alone. 

Important Question

For Worried Parents Who Want Their Teen/Young Adult to Thrive But Also Stay Connected With Them.

What If There Was a Structured Way to Support Your Teen or Young Adult's Transition to Independence Without Nagging or Engaging in Power Struggles With Them?
Would You Finally Feel Confident Enough to Move from Walking on Eggshells and Having Constant Power Struggles to Being Relaxed Enough so That You Can Have Fun with Your Child and Enjoy Time Spent Together?

I See You

      • you are nervous that your teen might "go back" to their old behaviors once they come home. 
      • you are not sure you'll mange without the weekly support from the treatment center.
      • you worry that your other children and spouse or partner aren't getting the attention and resources they need.

  • you want to trust your teen right away but it's hard because of past behavior.
  • you worry that friends are a bad influence on your teen/young adult.
  • you are unsure if you'll recognize the warning signs if your child is in danger of a relapse or failing to launch.

You are good parents who want to get this right.

You've sacrificed and been there for your teen.

You're ready for specific and personalized advice and clear direction from someone who's "been there" delivered with understanding and even a little humor so you can relax knowing that your family is on the right path.

Hi, I'm Susan Morley and I'm a person in long-term recovery. I'm also a mom to young adults and I get how it's a struggle to let go...

As a Certified Addiction Recovery Specialist I help parents just like you welcome your child into your home where recovery can be a shared family value.

As a mom to a 22 YO and a 20 YO, both in school, I know how confusing it is to know where to put a boundary and how to enforce it (especially when your kids don't like it).

I know that sometimes it feels like you've failed as a parent because your child has struggled.

Lots of parents feel this way.

You've taken a crucial step in helping your teen get the support and help needed for a better life. 

You want your teen to come home to love, support, and understanding so your family can get close and stay connected.

Let me help you get there.


What Happens When You Hire Susan?

results include but are not limited to

Clearly See Next Steps to Reach Goals

You want clear, specific direction so you know exactly how to support your teen so they gain independence in a way that encourages connection.

Get On The Same Page With Your Partner 

No more arguing with your partner about your teen. You'll feel supported and know how to back your partner up.

Feel Calmer

You will no longer need to threaten or punish your teen/young adult; you'll have clear expectations and will know how to hold your teen accountable without pushing them away.

Meet Your Child's Needs

Your teen will feel heard and understood even when you say "no" or when they don't get their way. And you'll feel like you've finally "got" this parenting thing!

More Fun With Family

Because you're more relaxed and you trust that you and your parenting partner are on the same page, you'll enjoy family outings and family vacations more than ever.

New Tools in Your Parenting Toolbox

Susan will teach you evidence-based methods of communication and accountability that you'll use even after coaching ends.

From Power Struggles & Enabling to Connected Independence

Your Next Steps

so you can stop worrying and create a home environment that supports your teen's independence while protecting your relationship with them.

Parenting Sessions

Action starts with the right mindset. You will be listened to and you'll uncover your mission, vision, what your goals are and what next steps need to be taken.

Family Coaching

Susan will work with your family teaching simple communication skills and facilitating family meetings as you rebuild trust and repair relationships. 

Ongoing Support

You deserve on-the-spot support. Text or email Susan to get in-the-moment support you need so you can break old habits and support recovery in your home. 

Updated Coaching Packages (1)

Coaching is less expensive than long-term therapy.

When you work with Susan you get more than solutions that work.

You get ongoing support when you need it, even between coaching sessions.

Schedule A Free Call So We Can Decide Which Coaching Option Is The Right Fit For You

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions parents most frequently ask:

Shouldn't I Be Able to Figure This Out On My Own?

So many parents think parenting teenagers is supposed to be a struggle -- they don't get help + strategy because they think they need to handle it by themselves, and they're afraid that getting help means that they're failing as a parents. They think the struggle needs to be part of the process.

Well let me tell you something -- you don't need to do this alone.
You will be more relaxed and have more energy when you stop the power struggles with your teen or young adult because you'll have a solid strategy and support from a coach who has helped many other moms like yourself for over 10 years (that's me!).
So if that feeling of you need to do it "on your own" has been holding you back from knowing how to enjoy your teen, it's time to let that go and book a call today!
My Parenting Partner Won't Go For This.

I hear versions of this one a lot. But the truth is, it's not about your parenting partner. 

Yes, it would be so much easier if you and your parenting partner were on the same page but that's just not realistic for all families.

You each grew up in different households and are now in one household with a strong-willed teen or young adult and that can be exhausting. Waiting for your parenting partner to join you for coaching is costing you the time and energy that you could be spending together (without the kids). Although I welcome both parents to participate in sessions, it is not a requirement.

Changes made by one parent are sufficient enough to create positive, lasting change. And your child will notice.

I'm Not Ready To Hire Someone...Maybe I'll Wait To See If Things Get Better

Look, I've gotta be blunt here. Putting off dealing with the worries you have about your teen or young adult's future isn't going to make things get better.

In fact, you probably know that by not addressing things now, your relationship with your child will probably get worse but it doesn't have to be this way.

I will be with you supporting your family in every step of parenting and that is something that not a lot of other coaches do. You're actually going to save yourself so much time and energy using my strategies that you will have time to enjoy relaxing, going away for weekends, and having fun with your family.

This is an investment that will pay off and continue to pay off even after the program. Previous clients have let me know that they're still using the strategies with their teens and older children (and even with their grandkids) and that they are seeing their relationships with their kids get closer even as their kids get older.

If the fear of investing in your family was holding you back but now you're ready to have a better relationship with your kids, SCHEDULE A CALL with me now.
I'm Worried I Won't Have Enough Time

Can I be honest?? This is my favorite excuse to help you overcome. Most of you are currently "overworking" yourself in your family BECAUSE you don't have the correct structure. After all, you never intended to STILL be parenting your strong-willed teen or young adult child, fought you over every.little.thing --- but now that you are, you want things to be different.

You're going in a million different directions at once and your time tends to get sucked up by constant power struggles. You think you need your teen to change (or your partner needs to change) but that's not what is actually going to help you have more time and energy to enjoy your family.

Working with a family coach will help you save time energy because it puts you in charge of changing the one thing you do have control over,  YOU.

Are you ready to stop worrying about and trying to manage your teen or young adult and start having more time with your partner and fun with your family?

Schedule your free consultation with Susan today and

  • learn how to support your teen's independence without nagging or "micro-managing."
  • start to feel confident that you can identify & correctly address enabling behaviors and warning signs if your child is in recovery.
  • have a teen or young adult who respects your rules (and feels YOUR respect) instead of fighting you every step of the way.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with Susan

Susan Has Been Invited to Speak with Parents From:

Susan was the recipient of the Caron Treatment Centers Unsung Hero Award for 2021.


Susan Is Trained in the Following Prevention and Recovery Programs: